The Subtle Art of Losing Yourself


Are you interested in hosting your own screening of 'The Subtle Art of Losing Yourself' within your own town, community, organisation or school?

You now can, from 20th October onwards!

Please complete the below form and our team will review your request and get in touch via email.

Upon acceptance, should you wish for your screening to be publicised, we will add it to our Where to Watch page and include it in our social media posts and mailouts to subscribers, but we will require either a web address to your own event page and/or contact details for people to get in touch to book their space.

Please note that should you wish to hire out a venue or equipment for your screening, we are unable to provide any funding towards this. You are more than welcome to charge a nominal ticket fee to cover these costs and we do not expect to receive any commission on income made from your event.

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Full name
If applicable
Required if you want the screening publicised by us
Please include your timezone
Please include your timezone
Please include name of venue and full address, including ZIP/postcode and country
Required if you want the screening publicised by us
If you have already created one (e.g. Facebook, Eventbrite, own website) - required if you want the screening publicised by us
Do you want your screening event publicised by us?